Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Passionate Housewives," pt 7

Dying to Live

…The enemy of our souls knows that if he can’t convince us that God’s ways are wrong, he can at least try to convince us that we’ve misunderstood what God has said. If we would only give up our “unnecessary” convictions, we could have more of the good life, he tells us.

The truth is that biblical motherhood doesn’t mean we’re promised postcard-perfect days where we lounge together with our little ones on the porch swing in white starched dresses sipping lemonade and singing in harmony.  Homegrown children take a lot of hard work – and sometimes “it ain’t pretty.”  Other times, it’s breathtaking…

…To recognize our purpose in motherhood, we must see the godly generations beyond our own children (Genesis 24:60, Deuteronomy 4:9, 7:9).  This means denying ourselves (Matthew 16:25) and being consumed with God and His love for us.  It means starting each morning on our face in repentance and thanksgiving, pleading for His grace and for the strength to glorify Him in our children – and consequently, He will equip us to truly love them and prepare us to serve them through Christ our Lord.  It means impacting future generations by our faithfulness now.

We must die to self on a minute-by-minute basis.  “Die to self?” you may ask.  “What can that mean?”  Jesus said anyone who desired to come after Him must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:25-26)…

…Do you feel like you’ve been “losing your life” lately?  Perhaps you’ve made the mistake of trying to save it.

We fail to accept the need to deny our flesh and die to self when we’re too busy “obeying our thirst.” Instead of crucifying the passions and desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:24), too often we go with the flow and listen  to the smooth marketers who ell us we desperately need what we don’t have – and, furthermore, convince us we need more of what we already have.

…If you feel desperate, are you willing to die – to self?  If your answer is yes, then hang on!  Because you are finally ready to truly live!


  1. I have definitely made the mistake of "trying to save my life". This is the breath of fresh air that I needed to read today!

  2. I really liked the part about starting our morning each day on our face in repentance and thanksgiving,pleaading for His grace and strength to glorify Him in our daily endeavors. I have been lazy in the mornings. Too tired to get up until Ava is up. Yet remembering how much better my days have gone when I choose to put Him first in my day. Do I really love sleep more than my heavenly father without whom I would have nothing? Sadly, yes I have! I am glad I read that. It really convicted me!
